Inspired classrooms
The Inspired Classrooms project is an accessible way to open up churches as ‘creative classrooms’ – spaces in which pupils can enjoy cross-curricular learning inspired by their fabulous surroundings
Such learning is designed to challenge and overturn the widely held perception that churches are places in which only an RE Syllabus can be delivered. Inspired Classrooms explodes that myth by suggesting hugely creative ways in which schools can deliver English, science, mathematics, humanities, the Arts, PSHE and RE – all through active engagement with their local churches. It does this by offering a series of highly innovative lesson plans and challenges for pupils and students at Key Stages 1, 2 and 3 - all of which are intended to help them develop a range of key skills such of research, teamwork, focus and creativity.
There are other Tools here that will help with the delivery of cross-curricular lessons within any of our churches. For example, the church finder helps you locate and organise a visit, the risk assessment provides a model template and the QR Code Resource Bank provides links to further information that pupils can search for and access whilst in the church, even if the building has no wifi!
Each lesson has been trialled within a church with the relevant Year Group and feedback from the pupils has always been sought and incorporated as the lesson plans have developed. No other heritage learning resource has the richness or cross-curricular potential of parish churches this Toolkit enables you to explore and enjoy them.